Business Membership $100 per year
Associate Membership $50 per year
All Membership dues are paid once annually by cash, check or credit card at the time membership is accepted.
Persons and organizations accepted for membership in the NABAA fall under the following terms and conditions, with respect to membership and its NABAA benefits:
All memberships are renewable annually on the initial date of membership
NABAA memberships are non-transferable.
Membership in the NABAA is subject to suspension and revocation for cause.
In addition to payment of member dues, members are required to support the NABAA work in other pro-active ways.
Membership may be upgraded, at any time, to higher membership levels.
All members have an opportunity to join one of our standing committees after becoming a member
The NABAA Board and leadership Development Committee shall be responsible for making sure that the members of the board and other key executives of NABAA are constantly exposed to leadership opportunities that foster personal, organizational, and community growth and development. The committee shall develop and recommend to the full Board of trustees such programs that seek to further individual and organizational growth and development. The convener of the committee shall be a Trustee of the NABAA.
The Finance and Resource Development Committee shall be responsible for overseeing all matters that pertain to the development of financial and other critical resources that are required to sustain the NABAA as a progressive organization within the communities where we serve. This committee shall be the originating source for all proposals and projects that are offered to attract resources to the association that will help to successfully realize the NABAA Vision and Mission. The committee shall review and make recommendations on all proposals submitted to the association pertaining to fundraising and other resource development. The convener of this committee shall be a member of the NABAA Board of Trustees.
The Membership Development and Services Committee shall be responsible for planning, developing and overseeing development of a diverse and highly focused membership base. Shortly after it is formally established, the committee shall prepare and present to the Board of Trustees, a comprehensive membership development plan and strategy for NABAA. The committee shall also be responsible for monitoring the NABAA membership on an on-going basis to recognize and report new opportunities to enhance the level and quality of services that are provided to our members. The Convener of the committee shall be a NABAA Trustee.
The Government Relations Committee shall be responsible for developing a plan and strategy that will allow NABAA to develop relationships with various local, state and national governmental agencies whose responsibility is to render services to promote business, economic growth and development within the United States. The committee is responsible for monitoring and maintaining NABAA‘s governmental relations. The Convener of the committee shall be a NABAA Trustee.